O’sen Design is a global interior architecture firm specialized within the corporate branding interior identities, showrooms, restaurants and residential areas. O’sen Design works with many international operators and contractors in Taiwan and deals with the best international suppliers. Our previous work will be presented here to present our continuously strive for excellence in delivering professional services.

Contact O'sen Design: tel 02-2700-0656
Please take a look at the pictures from the USANA office after finishing design.

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Contact O'sen Design: tel 02-2700-0656 
One of our project was related to design of F-40 Boutique. The task wasn't that easy due to the limited space. However we were very satisfied with final result. Please take a look below...

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JPG-zmieniony.jpgO’sen Design is an international interior design firm specialized within the corporate branding interior identities, showrooms, restaurants and residential areas. O’sen Design works with many international operators and contractors in Taiwan and deals with the best international suppliers. Our previous work will be presented here in order to show our continuously strive for excellence in delivering professional services. For any further questions please feel free to call our office: (02) 2700-0656

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